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The Records on 21/11/2000 Mugitsu: 1-2-1 [1,2,3,5] Big Fat Bloke: 0-1-1 [1,2] Narrator: 1-0-0 [3] Chemist: 1-0-0 [5] None yet...
Introduction The room was dark, but if you strained your eyes you could make out a few pinpricks of light in the distance. There was a distant sound... "... a Persian ..." The voice was so faint, you would have to listen hard to be able to make anything out. But it was definitely there. "... ready?" There was a click. Whirr... "Persian... Persian, PERSIAN PERSIAN!! PERS..." Then, suddenly, the world exploded in a blinding flash of light, and even these little pinpricks of light faded into nothing. Several hours passed... Game Text / Dialogue Battle #1: Mugitsu's Initiation Setting: 100% fantasy / 0% reality Playing: Mugitsu [No Record] Last Battle: n/a MUGITSU appeared! ...whoa... MUGITSU is DIZZY! ...what the... MUGITSU fell over! ...ouch. Hey, I'm sure the ground wasn't right beneath my nose before. MUGITSU gets up! So what on earth just hap... wait a sec, did someone say something? ... Hmm. Weird, I'm sure I heard something. MUGITSU is confused! Huh? There it was again... It hurt itself in its confusion! OW! Hey, how did that happen? Who are you, anyway? MUGITSU started walking! Hang on, just a sec. *wills himself to stop* Are you some sort of... I don't know, a... oh, what's the word? NARRATOR wonders if MUGITSU means him! ... a narrator! That's it... hang on. A narrator? Hey, this is real life, baby. No one can narrate what I do and what I don't do. NARRATOR forced MUGITSU to start walking! Oh. Okay, well that's that theory blown well and truly out the window. But don't you think I ought to have some sort of control over my own actions? And how come you have these powers? NARRATOR stays silent! Er... how come you just said that then? And while you're at it, do you think you could kindly give me some sort of idea about where I'm supposed to be going? MUGITSU stopped walking! I'm here, then? Uh... where is here? NARRATOR says you must be BLIND! So? NARRATOR says it's a GOOD THING you're at a POKÉMON CENTER! At a Pokémon Center? Uh... a Pokémon Center? MUGITSU walked in! *sigh*... No use arguing I suppose. MUGITSU lay on bed! Wait a sec. What do you think you're doing, Mr. Narrator? MUGITSU was healed! Ahh... that's better. Hey - I can see now! Thanks... whoever you are. NARRATOR says that's quite ALL RIGHT! Okay, so now are you going to tell me what this is all about? And hey, another thing. How come I was healed at a Pokémon Center? NARRATOR says you ARE a Pokémon! OK, so what are they? MUGITSU is confused! Oh no I'm not. Last time you said that, you made me hurt myself, and I'm not doing that again. It hurt itself in its confusion! OW!! Look, Narrator, what was the point of healing me if you're just going to hurt me again? NARRATOR says it's FUNNY! Uh... funny to who? NARRATOR asks you to stop being so STUPID! Hmmph. MUGITSU was healed! MUGITSU is confused no more! Thank you. Now, all we need to do is get out of this freaky place and back to... uh, back to where? No matter, anywhere other than here! MUGITSU climbed off bed! ALL RIGHT! The Narrator obeyed me for once! MUGITSU started walking! Yay! Or... not. MUGITSU approaches GYM! Oh no. Look, I'm not going in there... MUGITSU enters GYM! ... too late. BIG FAT BLOKE approches MUGITSU! *trembles* Uh... what do you want with me? BIG FAT BLOKE wants to fight! Argh! Get away! MUGITSU wants to fight! No I don't... Narrator... What do you think... you're... doing... MUGITSU suddenly feels very WEAK! MUGITSU fainted! ... BIG FAT BLOKE feels sorry for MUGITSU! BIG FAT BLOKE picks MUGITSU up and nurses it! MUGITSU is revived! Groan... what happened? BIG FAT BLOKE walks out of GYM! Uh. Pretty short battle, huh. MUGITSU is still in BIG FAT BLOKE's arms! Oh yeah. That explains why I still feel sick. BIG FAT BLOKE went into BIG FAT BLOKE's house! BIG FAT BLOKE put MUGITSU in BED! Ah... another lovely, soft bed. BIG FAT BLOKE walks away! Wait - aren't you going to heal me? BIG FAT BLOKE doesn't have HEALING EQUIPMENT! Hmm... guess I'd better just sleep it off... man, what a weird day. *yawn* Ho-hum... night, all. MUGITSU is fast asleep! ... MUGITSU wakes up! *stretches paws* Ah, that was a nice sleep... wait a sec. Since when did I grow paws? Actually, don't answer that - I have enough trouble believing that I'm allegedly a Pokémon. MUGITSU gets out of BED! Okay, Mr. Narrator, time for some answers. What on earth is going on here? Ah, hang on. What's this? MUGITSU picks up conveniently-placed BOOK! "How to survive in the world of Pokébattles" - hmm. Pokébattles? But I'm not even a Pokémon... unless I believe that Narrator guy. MUGITSU reads BOOK! Several hours pass! Hmm... "A key point to remember is that the Narrator is *always* right. Forget this at your peril." Humph. So I am a Pokémon, apparently. Unless... Narrator, did *you* write this book? NARRATOR shakes head! In that case, maybe I really am... actually, I'd prefer not to think about that for the moment. MUGITSU finishes reading BOOK! MUGITSU puts BOOK back! Right - I've read enough of that book to know that I don't want to be here. I'll be leaving now, if you please. NARRATOR doesn't please! ... Hmm. Never had anyone say that to me before. MUGITSU is seized by a wave of agony! ARRGGHH... MUGITSU is reminded that the NARRATOR is always right! Okay... just stop... this pain... Pain stopped! Fine, fine, I'll stay. NARRATOR is pleased! Well, there's a surprise. NARRATOR wonders what MUGITSU will do next! Er... surely you'd know that anyway, since you're the Narrator? NARRATOR was trying to be friendly! Cool. Well, seeing as I'm stuck here, I might as well go and see what that big fat bloke wanted. But you, Mr. Narrator-type-person, sure have a lot to answer for... MUGITSU went downstairs! Battle #2: Mugitsu's First Battle Setting: 100% fantasy / 0% reality Playing: Mugitsu [0-0-1] Last Battle: Draw vs. Big Fat Bloke [No Record] MUGITSU approaches BIG FAT BLOKE! Hmm... excuse me... MUGITSU taps BIG FAT BLOKE on the shoulder! BIG FAT BLOKE turns around! Er... *shudder* Uh... BIG FAT BLOKE picks MUGITSU up! No... don't eat me... please... BIG FAT BLOKE strokes MUGITSU! Ah. Okay, maybe I judged you wrongly. BIG FAT BLOKE wants to know why PUSSY came DOWNSTAIRS! Pussy? WHAT?! Grrr... MUGITSU wants to fight! BIG FAT BLOKE is surprised! MUGITSU sent out MUGITSU! Grrr... I'll get you for calling me "Pussy"! MUGITSU used SCRATCH! LIGHTS start to flash! Grrrrr..... INTER-DIMENSIONAL VORTEX opened! Take this, you... you... uh, an inter-dimensional vortex?! VORTEX starts closing! Um... this vortex must be related to how angry I get... ALL RIGHT, WHOEVER YOU ARE, EAT THIS! BIG FAT BLOKE is sucked into VORTEX! VORTEX closed! LIGHTS stopped flashing! Wow... MUGITSU won! MUGITSU gained 15 EXP. points! Oh... kay... I only asked for a scratch... MUGITSU grew to level 2! Sheesh, I guess I don't even know my own strength... wait a sec, is that why I keep hurting myself? NARRATOR is tempted! Oh no. Perhaps I shouldn't have said that. MUGITSU hurt itself in its... ...confusion? HA! I'm not confused. So there. NARRATOR facefaults! Heh. So the Narrator isn't always right after all... NARRATOR is angry! NARRATOR wants to fight! Uh-oh... I'd better do some serious grovelling here. NARRATOR sent out... Battle #3: The Narrator Battle Setting: 100% fantasy / 0% reality Playing: Mugitsu [1-0-1] Last Battle: Win vs. Big Fat Bloke [0-0-1] NARRATOR sent out... Oh, hurry up, will you? You've been sending out "..." for the last week! ... used EAT! DOTS were EATEN! SIX dots appeared! Erm... what are you doing, exactly? NARRATOR says YOU WOULDN'T KNOW! Yeah, 'cuz I'm only a Pokémon, right? *sigh* NARRATOR wonders if you're going to send anything out! That's right, change the subject, won't you. Oh well, since it's come to that... MUGITSU sent out MUGITSU! Heh. That scratch attack seemed effective enough before... MUGITSU used SCRATCH! RECORD was SCRATCHED! It's super stuttery! What the... what the... what the... what the... what the... ...... used DOUBLE TEAM! SIX dots became TWELVE! This is s-s-s-s-s-so we-we-we-weird... ............ used BURP! TWELVE dots were burped out... ...straight at MUGITSU! ..-..-..-..-... sh-sh-sheesh, even my d-d-d-dots are st-st-st-stuttering-ing-ing... DOTS hit MUGITSU! ...sev-sev-sev-several times! Ouch-ouch-ouch-ouch-ouch... okay-ay-ay Narrator, you-you-you-you've made your p-p-point... NARRATOR stopped RECORD! Ah, that's better. Now, what could have made my scratch attack go wrong? NARRATOR says the battle hasn't FINISHED yet! NARRATOR sent out NARRATOR! Wait a sec, you've already got a Pokémon out - from what I read, you can't send another out at the same time. NARRATOR says HE isn't a POKÉMON! NARRATOR used FEAR! Arrggghhh... run away! RUN AWAY!... There's no running from a trainer battle! But I'm not a trainer! NARRATOR doesn't CARE! NARRATOR used AWESOME NARRATOR POWERS! No effect! Huh? NARRATOR is angry! NARRATOR used WIN THE BATTLE! No PP left! Heh... so that's how Narrators get their power... well, I can't be bothered with you any more. Bye bye, Narrator. MUGITSU used PUNCH! PUNCH appeared... as did JUDY! Oh no... Narrator, this just isn't fair... PUNCH and JUDY allied with you! ...*cough*. Ahem, I didn't say that. NARRATOR used PARDON? Er, nothing. Punch and Judy, use your BOREDOM attack! PUNCH and JUDY both used BOREDOM! NARRATOR is getting BORED! ...looks like something's going in my favour for once. NARRATOR is getting IRRITATED with PUNCH and JUDY! Now's my chance... MUGITSU used KICK! PUNCH and JUDY were kicked out of the way! NARRATOR is relieved! Now to finish him off... MUGITSU used FINISH HIM OFF! LONGNAMEATTACK failed, LANI-STYLE! Lani? Who's she? Oh, forget it. NARRATOR used DRAW! BATTLE was DRAWN! And no stupid drawn-on-paper jokes, OK? NARRATOR says you're very good at battling! Why, thank you. You're not too bad either. NARRATOR knows this! (Wow... a draw against a narrator... is that a first or what?) NARRATOR heard that! Ooh, I'm scared. Hang on, did I hear a creak just then? MUGITSU turns around! CANVAS where BATTLE was being DRAWN fell! ...towards MUGITSU! HEY! You said no drawing jokes! NARRATOR said no such thing! Mmmph. I knew there'd be some sort of comeback... CANVAS fell on MUGITSU! MUGITSU fainted! NARRATOR won! *groan* Battle #4: What Happened? [non-battle] Setting: 100% fantasy / 0% reality Playing: Scientists [No Record] Last Battle: n/a LIGHTS came back on! Phew... what on earth just happened? Beats me. Do you think the machine could have... ...malfunctioned? No way. That machine's the most advanced of its kind! Are you sure? It sure didn't seem to work right. Listen, bud. That machine- DOOR opened! Uh oh... I'll tell you later... BOSS walked in! Okay, guys. What just happened? We're not sure... I'll do the talking, Rob... basically, we were doing this experiment - you know, the one with... uh... the, er... machine... ...yes, I know the one you mean. Carry on. Well, everything seemed to be going fine until the crucial point. Then it just seemed to go kaput. Kaput? Well, yeah - it's just a word I heard from somewhere. Means it went wrong, to put it simply. You're telling me it did. Half the office just seemed to explode. Yeah, well... it seems that while we were trying to get all the smoke extracted, the subject managed to, er... get away. It WHAT?! It, er... got away, sir. SHEESH! What do I pay you guys for? Well, I thought- (I think that was a rhetorical question, Rob) ...ah, er, never mind. Listen up. That Pokémon was extremely valuable to us. I don't even know why you were performing experiments on it, because you sure didn't have permission! But how did you know we were using that Pokémon?... ...and because of your foolishness in doing so, we are now one Pokémon less. In fact, not to put too fine a point on it, we have NO Pokémon left. Ah. Yes, well... er... Yes? Um... ah... Er, perhaps we can get it back for you! Ah, at least someone's talking sense now. I'll tell you what. If you don't get me that Pokémon back, you're going to wish you had never been born. I'll even be generous and say I don't need it immediately. But you do, gentlemen. Have a nice day. BOSS walked out! ...now look at what you've got us into... BOSS peeked in! Oh, and I think you now owe me ¥5000000 for a new one of those machines. Preferably by next week. BOSS slammed door! Sheesh... ¥5000000? Where does he think we're going to get that sort of money from? And in a week? Er... dunno. This is all your fault, you know that? Now that isn't fair. You were the one who originally suggested using that machine. Yes, but you were the one who suggested using it on a real Pokémon. We still hadn't tested it fully. And you knew that. SMOKE wafted past! ...er, where's that smoke coming from? SCIENTISTS turned round! SMOKE is coming from CONTROL PANELS! SHE'S GONNA BLOW! SHE'S GONNA BLOW! SCIENTISTS ran! Got away safely! Phew... that was close... LAB blew up! *sigh*... all our work... gone... Ahem. All our work? I don't remember you doing any of it. Oh, stop bickering and let's face the facts. We now don't have a lab... ...which means we now don't have a boss. ...which means we... what? We don't have a boss. He was in the lab, wasn't he? Y'know, when you say it like that, it sounds awful. It's true, though. We don't have to get that Pokémon. Can I correct you there? If I remember correctly, the aim of that machine was to evolve Pokémon before their required level, right? Right. So, that means- ...that it might have evolved? You're conveniently forgetting that Persians don't evolve. Right. But you're forgetting that the machine malfunctioned. Anything could have happened - yes? ...well, yes, but... And do you remember how Missingno was created? With level 173, and all that? Ah. Yes, I see what you mean... I think we should continue looking, just in case. We could have just made the biggest scientific breakthrough since Mew was discovered... and in any case, we don't know if it had any other side effects... like... stats... SCIENTISTS stared at each other in terror! Oh God, we could have just created a monster... Precisely. Okay, you've convinced me. But where do we start? Follow me... SCIENTISTS walked away! Battle #5: ACHE-B-GONE! 21 November 2000 Setting: 100% fantasy / 0% reality Playing: Mugitsu [1-1-1] Last Battle: Loss vs. Narrator [No Record] MUGITSU woke up! Groan... what happened? NARRATOR has a strong sensation of déja vu! ...really? How interesting. NARRATOR reminds you that you fainted because of a CANVAS! ...oh yes. I remember now. And that you were battling the NARRATOR! Oh yes, the Narrat... sheesh, the NARRATOR?! ... Oh well, I suppose I'm lucky to have just fainted... NARRATOR just wanted to teach you a LESSON! Well, it worked - I'll grant you that. Actually, I think it worked too well... ooh... *rubs head* MUGITSU used HEADACHE! Introducing the new ACHE-B-GONE! Just pop a couple of pills in your mouth, swallow, and relax as your headache disappears! Oh, shut up. ... the new ACHE-B-GONE, priced at only ¥10! Get yours today! ¥10? Now that is cheap. Where is it? NARRATOR points out there is a CHEMIST's just around the corner! Is there? Oh well, I'll be off then. MUGITSU stands up, shakily! Oo-er... that was one heck of a blow you gave me, Narrator. NARRATOR notes he did NOTHING! Fine, fine, so the canvas did. But you pushed it. NARRATOR denies this! Okay, be like that. Anyway, where was the chemist's again? MUGITSU walks along the road! Er, aren't I still in the ex-Big Fat Bloke's house? NARRATOR forgot this! MUGITSU exits BIG FAT BLOKE's house! Thank you. MUGITSU walks along the- ...pavement, please. I'm not stupid enough to walk on the road. NARRATOR disagrees! Grrr... just get me walking on the pavement, won't you... MUGITSU is walking on the PAVEMENT! Right. Time passes! MUGITSU is now outside the CHEMIST's! Okay. Now, let's go in. MUGITSU enters CHEMIST's! MUGITSU walks up to COUNTER! Er, hi. I'd like to get some ACHE-B-GONE, please. CHEMIST: That'll be ¥10, please. Ok... MUGITSU doesn't have any YEN! ...you're joking. CHEMIST still wants ¥10! Er, sorry... I don't have it... CHEMIST says that's not GOOD enough! CHEMIST wants to fight! Sigh... another week, another battle... MUGITSU wants to fight! CHEMIST sent out CHEMIST! MUGITSU sent out MUGITSU! CHEMIST used PRICE! MUGITSU needs ¥10, badly! Ack... must... pay... chemist... *cough* MUGITSU used COUGH! MUGITSU coughed up ¥10, literally! Oi... CHEMIST accepted ¥10! MUGITSU received ACHE-B-GONE! Heh... thanks. CHEMIST: Have a nice day! CHEMIST turned away! Psst... Narrator, the battle hasn't finished yet, has it? NARRATOR shakes head! Right... hehe... MUGITSU used KICK! %^"{}\\$@~?$>@! ...? GLITCH EFFECT transformed KICK into FLY! MUGITSU flew out of the window! MUGITSU forfeited, and so lost! Huh? MUGITSU is flying! Right, I guessed that. But what's a glitch effect doing here? MUGITSU is flying towards VIRIDIAN CITY! MUSIC: We're in the air, to Viridian City! Oh, shaddap. MUGITSU lands! Okay... where am I now? MUGITSU sees POKÉ CENTER! Heh... this is good... for some reason, I land right in front of a Poké Center. Spooky or what? MUGITSU enters POKÉ CENTER! MUGITSU was healed! MUGITSU exits POKÉ CENTER! Ah, that's better. Wait a sec, I suppose that means I don't need this ACHE-B-GONE now. MUGITSU throws away ACH- Not so fast, Mr. Narrator. I might not need it now, but I might as well keep it, just in case... NARRATOR sees you're not as STUPID as he THOUGHT! Hmm... hang on, did I see something just then? MUGITSU turns around! Okay... so maybe I didn't. It's just that for a moment there I was sure I saw something... ... Oh, who cares - it probably isn't important. MUGITSU walks away! SCIENTISTS walk in! And you definitely know where you're going, right? Relax... we're here now anyway. Somebody in one of these Poké Centers is bound to have seen it... SCIENTISTS enter POKÉ CENTER! Don't forget, this page is an archived page. I won't be updating this particular page any more, but please feel free to look around. You can go back to the main page here. |